Netware for the HP 3000 customer slides include: HPNOVELL GAL Hewlett-Packard and Novell NWPROD1B GAL NetWare for the HP 3000 Product Overview POPCLNT GAL Popular Client Support CS_PLAT GAL Client/Server Platform HP_SUP GAL HP Worldwide Support STD_IF GAL Standard Netware User Interface NW_MPE GAL NetWare on MPE/iX SCL_PERF GAL Scalable Flexible Solution PROVEN GAL Proven Track Record ROLLOUT GAL Product Rollout Plan SUMMARY GAL Summary To extract slides from this package do the following: o Create a directory on your C: drive called NW9k c:\>MD NW3K [ENTER] o Download Item 2 to your PC as SLIDES.EXE into the C:\NW3K directory download 2 C:\NW3K\SLIDES.exe [ENTER] o EXIT HP DESK o at the DOS prompt execute slides.exe c:\> CD\NW3K [ENTER] c:\NW3K\> slides [ENTER]